Tag Archives: food writing

Gwyneth Paltrow responds to ghostwriter controversy on Rachel Ray

Watch the ABC news story.


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Filed under Authors, Food Writing, on TV

Cook ‘n’ Scribble Sante Fe Food Writing Retreat

Molly O’Neill has three spots left for her First Annual Sante Fe Food Writing Retreat!

Most of the writers who’ll be in attendance are working on memoir or personal essay. Most, but not all, are food writers. Most, but not all, are published writers who are trying a new form. Several cookbook writers who are working on memoirs, a novelist working on a food-themed book, several academics working on personal food essays, several frighteningly talented bloggers. Ages range from 30-70, there are 2 women to each man. The men say they are up to the challenge. We have a couple terrific chefs coming, as well as …

as well as YOU that is!!!

Interested? Sign up!


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Filed under Biography, Memoirs, Food Writing