Category Archives: Italian

Giuliano Hazan updating his Classic Pasta Cookbook with Kickstarter funds

front cover of Classic Pasta Cookbook - first edition 1993

Classic Pasta Cookbook 1993

Read Giuliano Hazan’s post regarding the e-book edition of The Classic Pasta Cookbook.

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Filed under 19th Century, 20th Century, Classics reprinted, Edition history, Italian, Marketplace, News

Interview with Antonio Carluccio

Read an interview with Antonio Carluccio by Charlotte Pike. Carluccio’s memoir is expected to be out Oct. 8. His first book, An Invitation to Italian Cooking, was published in the U.S. under the title: A Taste of Italy in 1986.


A Taste of Italy


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Filed under Interviews, Italian

More Marcella Hazan

Today Matt Davis, of the Portland Mercury, published a refreshing post, On Not Interviewing America’s Most Famous Italian Cookbook Author.

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Filed under 20th Century, Interviews, Italian

Letters – Marcella (Hazan) Remembers

Today, The New York Times (food section) published two letters in response to last week’s article, Marcella Remembers.

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Filed under 20th Century, Italian

Marcella Hazan Remembers

Amarcord : Marcella Hazan Remembers Read the Marcella Hazan interview titled: For Better, for Worse, for Richer, for Pasta by Kim Severson in today’s New York Times food section.

Publisher Gotham Books plans to release her new memoir/cookbook; Amarcord: Marcella Remembers , this October.

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Filed under 20th Century, Italian, Profiles